6. IRC Certificate


What is ERC and IRC? Issuance of IRC and ERC. Now an importer having Import Registration Certificate (IRC) and an Exporter having Export Registration Certificate (ERC) can Import & Export any permissible item without any value and quantity restrictions and without obtaining any permission from any authority.

Import Registration Certificate (IRC)


  1. Attested photocopy of valid Trade License
  2. Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  3. Attested photocopy of membership certificate from local Chamber of Commerce and Industry or relevant Trade Association
  4. Original copy of Treasury Chalan
  5. If a partnership business: Partnership Deed (certified attested copy)
  6. If a limited company: (certified attested copies)
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Articles of Association
  • Memorandum of Association

(To facilitate verification of the submitted documents, applicants are requested to submit the original documents as well. The original copies of the documents will be returned at the completion of the process).


Step 1: Collect IRC form from office of Controller Import and Export.

Step 2: Deposit schedule fees at Bangladesh Bank or designated branches of Sonali Bank Fees should be deposits under the head number: 1-1731-0001-1801

(Sonali bank branches should be used only where Bangladesh Bank is not available). Collect and complete 3 copies of Chalan Form and pay the Schedule fee

Category Ceiling  Value  of  annualimportInitial  RegistrationfeesAnnual renewal fees
FirstTk. 5, 00,000Tk. 5,000Tk. 3,000
SecondTk. 25,00,000Tk. 10,000Tk. 6,000
ThirdTk. 50,00,000Tk. 18,000Tk. 10,000
FourthTk. 1,00,00,000Tk. 30,000Tk. 15,000
FifthTk. 5,00,00,000Tk. 45,000Tk. 22,000
SixthAbove Tk.5,00,00,000Tk. 60,000Tk. 30,000

Step 3: Submit application form with recovery supporting documents

  • Attach a recent passport size photo of applicant
  • Make copies of complete application package for self
  • Submit application at the receipt room 3rd floor of CI&E by 4 p.m.

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