4. Tally software (ERP-9)


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Training Hand Note

Tally.ERP9 Training Note Sheet

Note No-1(Group)

How to create group?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Group > Create > Write the group name and under select and then save (Ctrl+A).

[A + G + C + (Ctrl+A)]

 How to alter group?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Group > Alter > Select the group which you want to alter and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + G + A + (Ctrl+A)

How to delete group?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Group > Alter > select the group which you want to delete and then delete (Alter+D)

[A + G + A + (Alter+D)

How to display group?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Group > Display > Show the list of group   

[A + G + D]

Note No-2 (Ledger)

How to create ledger?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > ledger > Create > Write the ledger name and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + L + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter ledger?

Gateway of Tally >Accounts info > ledger > Alter > Select the ledger which you want to alter and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + L + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete ledger?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > ledger > Alter > select the ledger which you want to delete and then delete (Alter+D)

[A + L + A + (Alter+D)

How to display ledger?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Ledger > Display Show the list of ledger

[A + L + D]

Note No-3 (Stock Group)

How to create stock group?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Stock group > Create Write the name of stock group and under select and then save (Ctrl+A) 

[I + G + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter stock group?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Stock group > Alter Select the stock group which you want to alter and then save (Ctrl+A)

[I + G + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete stock group?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Stock group > Alter Select the stock group which you want to delete and then delete (Alter+D)

[I + G + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display stock group?

Gateway of Tally >Inventory info>Stock group>Display >Show the list of stock group.

[I + G + D]

Note No-4 (Stock Item)

 How to create stock Item?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Stock Item > Create Write the name of stock Item and under select and then save (Ctrl+A). 

[I + I + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter stock Item?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Stock Item > Alter Select the stock Item which you want to alter and then save (Ctrl+A)

[I + I + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete stock Item?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Stock group > Alter Select the stock Item which you want to delete and then delete (Alter+D) 

[I + G + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to display stock Item?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Stock group > Display > Show the list of      stock Item.                     [I + I + D

Note No-5 (Cost Categories)

How to create cost categories?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Cost categories > create Write the name of cost categories and choose right option according to you and yes Select then save. (Ctrl+A)

[A + O + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter cost categories?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Cost categories> Alter Select the cost categories which you want to alter and then save (Ctrl+A)   

                    [A + O + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete cost categories?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Cost categories > Alter Select the cost categories which you want to delete and then (Alter+D)            

[A + O + A + (Alter+D)]

How to show cost categories?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Cost categories > Display >Show the list of cost categories.  

[A + O + D]

Note-6 (Cost Center)

How to create cost center?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Cost center > create Select cost categories then Write the name of cost center and choose under: primary and then save (Ctrl+A) 

[A + C + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter cost center?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Cost center > Alter Select the cost center which you want to alter, then write and then save. (Ctrl+A). 

[A + C + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete cost center?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Cost center > Alter Select the cost center which you want to delete and then (Alter+D). 

[A + C + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display cost center?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Cost categories > Display >Show the list of cost center.   

[A + C + D]

Note No-7 (Simple Unit)

How to create units?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Units of measure > create Write the name of Units and then save (Ctrl+A) 

[I + U + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter units?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Units of measure > Alter Select the units which you want to alter, then write and then save (Ctrl+A) 

[I + U + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete units?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Units of measure > Alter, Select the units which you want to delete and the (Alter+D) 

[I + U + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display units?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info>Units of measure > Display > Show the list of units            [I + U + D]

Note No-8 (Godown)

How to create Godown?

Gateway of Tally >Inventory info > Godown > Create Write the godown name and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[I + D + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter Godown?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info >Godown >Alter Select the Godown which you want to alter and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[I + D + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete Godown?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Group > Alter Select the godown which you want to delete and then (Alter+D)

[I + D + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display Godown?

Gateway of Tally >Inventory info > Godown > Display Show the list of godown 

[I + D + D]

Note-9 (Cash Payment Voucher)

How to create Cash payment voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Create Write the name cash payment and type of voucher: Payment, fill up other option then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + C + (Ctrl+A)]

 How to alter Cash payment voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type >Alter Select the cash payment then alter and then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete Cash payment voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Alter > Select the cash payment voucher, which you want to delete and then (Alter+D)

[A + V + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display Cash payment voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Display >Show the list of voucher/ cash payment voucher

[A + V + D] 

Note No-10 (Bank Payment Voucher)

How to create Bank payment voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Create Write the name bank payment and type of voucher: Payment, fill up other option then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + C + (Ctrl+A)]

 How to alter Bank payment voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type >Alter Select the bank payment then alter and then save (Ctrl+A)  

[A + V + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete Bank payment voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Alter Select the bank payment voucher, which you want to delete and then (Alter+D)

[A + V + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display Bank payment voucher?

Gateway of Tally>Accounts info >Voucher type > Display Show the list of voucher/ bank payment voucher

[A + V + D]  

Note No-11 (Bank Receipts Voucher)

How to create Bank receipts voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Create Write the name bank receipts and type of voucher: Receipts, fill up other option then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + C + (Ctrl+A)]

 How to alter Bank receipts voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type >Alter Select the bank receipts then alter and then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete Bank receipts voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Alter Select the bank receipts voucher, which you want to delete and then (Alter+D)   

[A + V + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display Bank receipts voucher?

Gateway of Tally>Accounts info> Voucher type>Display Show the list of voucher/ bank receipts voucher

[A + V + D]  

Note No-12 (Cash Receipts Voucher)

How to create Cash receipts voucher?

Gateway of Tally> Accounts info> Voucher type> Create Write the name cash receipts and type of voucher: Receipts, fill up other option then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter Cash receipts voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type >Alter Select the cash receipts then alter and then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete Cash receipts voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Alter Select the cash receipts voucher, which you want to delete and then (Alter+D)

[A + V + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display Cash receipts voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Display Show the list of voucher/ cash receipts voucher

[A + V + D]

Note No-13 (Production Voucher)

How to create Production voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Create Write the name Production and type of voucher: Stock journal Fill up ‘use as a manufacturing journal: Yes then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + C + (Ctrl+A)]

 How to alter Production voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Alter Select production voucher then alter and then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete Production voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Alter Select the production voucher, which you want to delete and then (Alter+D)

[A + V + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display Production voucher?

Gateway of Tally> Accounts info> Voucher type> Display Show the list of voucher/ production voucher

[A + V + D]

Note No-14 (Godown Transfer Voucher)

How to create Godown transfer voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Create, Write the name Godown transfer and type of voucher: Stock journal, fill up ‘Name of class’: Transfer, then show a pop up ‘Use class for inter-godown transfers’: Yes and then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + C + (Ctrl+A)]

 How to alter Godown transfer voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Alter > Select godown transfer voucher then alter and then save (Ctrl+A)

[A + V + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete Godown transfer voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Alter, Select the godown transfer voucher, which you want to delete and then (Alter+D)   

    [A + V + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display Godown transfer voucher?

Gateway of Tally > Accounts info > Voucher type > Display > Show the list of voucher/ Godown transfer voucher

[A + V + D]

Note No-15 (Export & Import Of Data)

How to export Data from a company?

First: We create a new company, where will import data from a company. But import company creation chart and export company creation chart would be same.

Second: Gateway of Tally > Display > List of account > Export >Then show a popup and fill up it. Thus,

Note No-16 (Employee Group)

How to create employee group?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Employee Groups > Create > Write the group name and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[L + G + C + (Ctrl+A)]

 How to alter employee group?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Employee Groups > Alter > Select the group which you want to alter and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[L + G + A + (Ctrl+A)

How to delete employee group?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Employee Groups > Alter > select the group which you want to delete and then delete (Alter+D)

[L + G + A + (Alter+D)

How to display employee group?   

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Employee Groups > Display > select the group which you want to display.   

[L + G + D]

Note No-17 (Employee)

How to create employee?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Employee > Create > Write the employee name and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[L + E + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter employee?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Employee > Alter > Select the employee name which you want to alter and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[L + E + A + (Ctrl+A)

How to delete employee?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Employee > Alter > select the employee which you want to delete and then delete (Alter+D)

[L + E + A + (Alter+D)

How to display employee?   

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Employee > Display > select the employee which you want to display   

[L + E + D]

Note No- 18 (Units/ Work)

How to create units/ work?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Units/ Work > create > Write the name of Units and then save (Ctrl+A) 

[L + U + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter units/ work?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Units/ Work > Alter Select the units which you want to alter, then write and then save (Ctrl+A) 

[L + U + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete units/ work?

Gateway of Tally > Inventory info > Units of measure > Alter > Select the units which you want to delete and the (Alter+D) 

[L + U + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display units/work?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Units/ Work > Select the units which you want to display    

[L + U + D]

Note No- 19 (Attendance/Production Types)

How to create attendance/production types?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > attendance/production types > Write the name of present/ absent/overtime and then save (Ctrl+A) 

[L + A + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter attendance/production types?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > attendance/production types > Alter Select the present/ absent/ overtime which you want to alter, then write and then save (Ctrl+A) 

[L + A + A + (Ctrl+A)]

How to delete attendance/production types?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > attendance/production types > Alter > Select the present/ absent/overtime which you want to delete and the (Alter+D) 

[L + A + A + (Alter+D)]

How to display attendance/production types?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > attendance/production types > Select the present/ absent/overtime which you want to display     

[L + A + D]

Note No-20 (Pay Head)

How to create pay head?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Pay Head > Create > Write the pay head name and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[L + P + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter pay head?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Pay Head > Alter > Select the pay head name which you want to alter and under select and then save (Ctrl+A)

[L + P + A + (Ctrl+A)

How to delete pay head?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Pay Head > Alter > select the pay head which you want to delete and then delete (Alter+D)

[L + P + A + (Alter+D)

How to display pay head?   

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Pay Head > Display > select the pay head which you want to display   

[L + P + D]

Note No-21 (Salary Details)

How to create salary details?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Salary Details > Create > Select employee name and select pay head and then save (Ctrl+A)

[L + S + C + (Ctrl+A)]

How to alter salary details ?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Salary Details > Alter > Select employee name and select pay head which you want to alter and then save (Ctrl+A)

[L + S + A + (Ctrl+A)

How to delete salary details?

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Salary Details > Alter > Select employee name and select pay head which you want to delete and then delete (Alter+D)

[L + S + A + (Alter+D)

How to display salary details?   

Gateway of Tally > Payroll info > Salary Details > Display > Select employee name which you want to display   

[L + S + D]

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