1. Business product survey

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What is a product survey?

Simply put, a product survey is a tool that a company can use to learn what their users think about their products. Running a survey before launching a product means you get to see what people really want and need.

Plus, it can help you with the creation and design of what you’re making—so companies really shouldn’t forget the importance of product research.

Now you can also use product surveys for an existing product, so you can see how people are enjoying their experience and how the product can be improved. So they’re always useful

1. How often do you use our products?

Start simple. With this question, you can see which products your customers are using and how often they’re using them.This will make the following questions even more useful—you can see which products are making people happy, which ones aren’t, and which products your most dedicated customers are using.

2. Which features are most valuable to you?

It’s pretty unlikely you only offer a single product with one single feature. This question lets you know which parts of your product are the most valuable to your clients.You might even be surprised to learn your customers use your product totally differently to how you imagined. Maybe a small feature, one you perhaps added as an afterthought, is what’s keeping people with you.

3. How would you compare our products to our competitors’?

Let’s not beat around the bush. If you have a product, someone else out there is offering something similar. You want to know how you stack up.Knowing where in the market your product falls, or at least how your customers see it, can unveil some really useful insights. It can tell you how to market your product in the right way, to the right people.

4. What important features are we missing?

This will help with new products and features down the road. Companies often spend a lot of time and put money into a new product, to find that their customers have no use for it.This question could even reveal small things that you hadn’t considered that could be implemented relatively quickly.

5. What are you trying to solve by using our product?

Your users use your product because it solves a problem for them. It’s that simple. But do you really know what problem is being solved here?Asking this question could unearth aspects of your product that need a bit of fixing up. It could even open a path for future products or features. Imagine if your existing product is being used for something you weren’t aware of. Now imagine how popular it could be if you focused on that problem as much as the others.

6. Who else could find our product useful?

Asking this is a great way to find potential new users for your product—maybe even a whole group of people you had never even considered as being your audience. And finding new people to sell your product to can be difficult, so why not get your existing customers to help you out?

7. How easy is it to use our product?

Your product might work well for seasoned users—but what about your new sign-ups?Here you might find that the product isn’t as intuitive as you thought and this can be new user repellant if they get frustrated. So consider simplifying certain parts of the product, or offering video tutorials or helpful hints throughout.

8. How would you rate the value for money?

Knowing how affordable your product is for your customers is huge.If it’s too expensive, then imagine all the potential sales you’ve lost by just pricing out some of the more value-focused people.And if people are saying that value for money is great? Well, then it might be time to build some premium features to generate more revenue.Important to remember here—if you’re asking your existing customers this question, then you’re only speaking to the people who you know can afford your product.

9. How likely are you to recommend this product to others?

This is one of the most popular survey questions. And for good reason.Your Net Promoter Score lets you know how your customers are talking about your product to others. If it’s positive, then you have a huge group of people doing your promoting for you. So maximize that.If it’s negative, then that makes this whole survey even more important. If your customers are talking trash about you, or if they’re thinking about leaving you, then you really, really need this feedback.So let them know they’ve been heard, and tell them the changes you’ll be making. You might be making money now, but dissatisfied customers rarely stay around for long.

10. How could we improve our product to better meet your needs?

This is a broad and basic question—but it’s important.Your customers know better than anyone how useful your product is. Asking this question lets you know where you should be focusing your efforts to make your customers as happy as possible.Save this question for the end of your survey. You want your readers to have time to think about the product by asking them the previous questions first.So by asking this as a final question, everyone responding to your survey should have your product, and their experience with it, clear and fresh in their mind.

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