3. Affiliated Programme


The Best Affiliate Marketing Course?

No, this is probably not the best affiliate marketing course out there.

The goal with the The Affiliate Method (TAM) was to make it so simple that it would be possible for anyone to get started, regardless of technical skills or understanding of marketing.

There’s already plenty of extensive affiliate courses out there, both free and paid. Many go into detail and really teach you everything..

The problem is, this isn’t a good way for most people to take action. That’s at least my personal opinion.

You don’t want to learn EVERYTHING when you start something. What you want is just enough knowledge to know what the first steps are. Get started, then learn a bit more every day.

So this course is not meant to be the best affiliate marketing course – it’s going to be very basic, but actionable. It covers every step you need to take to replicate what I have done myself.

It’s far from the best and most comprehensive course about affiliate marketing. In fact, we’re not even gonna dive that deep into affiliate marketing here (I do plan on actually creating the best course – but that will be for advanced affiliate marketers).

This is a course for someone who wants to learn the practical steps of creating an affiliate website (and everything it includes).

Plus, it’s free, and doesn’t require you to study for weeks to get started or understand the contents. In fact, you should be able to get started today.

Also bear in mind: it’s definitely not a get rich quick scheme.

The course will definitely save you a lot of time, avoiding of unnecessary mistakes or false strategies that slows you down.

Affiliate Marketing Course For Beginners – Q & A

With this course, you’re given the opportunity to learn step by step how you can start making money online with affiliate marketing. This is the first step to become a full time affiliate.

Who is this course for?

This course is for absolute beginners who want to learn the first steps on how to start making money with affiliate marketing by creating a website to promote products or services.

TAM covers everything from basic entrepreneurial frameworks, how pick a the right a niche, to the technicality behind setting up your site and finding the right products.

How long time to complete the course?

You can complete the course in less than day if you’re focused. I don’t suggest to skim the course as it’s already been stripped down to the bare essentials.

When do I start making money?

  • To get your first sales – expect at least one month.
  • Getting a substantial income – at least 3-6 months, up to years. It depends a lot on you, and dozens of intangible factors are at play. For the sake of mental preparation, expect that you’re gonna need to put in a lot of hard work, and lots of patience to go with that.

Please note that result varies.

How much do I need to invest?

Almost nothing. Less than $50 in domain and web hosting per year, depending on which provider you choose.

The time investment is what you should consider here

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